Compressor Terminal Fault Interruption - Terminal Venting

[0001] The present invention relates generally to an over
current protection method and circuit, and more particularly
to a method and circuit for disconnecting poWer to a motor
for a hermetic compressor upon detecting excess current.
[0002] Refrigeration systems, such as residential refrig
erators, use electric motor poWered hermetic compressors
Which compress the system refrigerant according to prin
ciples Well knoWn in the art. Under certain conditions, the
compressor motor in a system can enter a fault mode
Wherein the poWer lines to the compressor input terminals
carry excessively high current. This high current condition
may result in a phenomenon commonly referred to as
“terminal venting”.
[0003] Terminal venting is generally characteriZed by a
separation of the metallic compressor input terminal pins
from the surrounding insulating material in Which the pins
are mounted. This can occur if excessively high current is
supplied to the terminals for sufficient time to destroy the
glass insulating seal. The problem is exacerbated by the
different thermal expansion coefficients of the pins and the
insulating material thereby causing destructive tensile
stresses in the glass. The end result of such a failure is
damage to the hermetic seal of the compressor terminal and,
in some situations, the uncontrolled release of refrigerant
[0004] Many compressor manufacturers incorporate
mechanical safeguards into their compressor designs to
reduce the likelihood and/or the effects of terminal venting.
Some conventional compressors employ robust insulating
materials With high temperature breakdown characteristics.
Other compressors include covers Which enclose the com
pressor terminals.
[0005] Conventional fuse-based interrupt circuits for simi
lar applications do not adequately prevent terminal venting
because such circuits are typically triggered by a prolonged
presence of current levels substantially loWer than the cur
rent levels associated With terminal venting. For example,
When the compressor rotor becomes locked, the compressor
motor draWs high current (commonly referred to as “locked
rotor current”) such as 20 amps, for example, but not nearly
as high as the current associated With terminal venting,
Which is typically in excess of 50 amps. Conventional
interrupt circuits interrupt poWer to the compressor to pro
tect the motor coils When the current draW of the compressor
motor is in the range of locked rotor currents, and is
sustained for a sufficiently long period of time. While the
exceptionally high current associated With terminal venting
Would typically trigger a conventional interrupt circuit, the
relatively sloW response time of such circuits requires a
prolonged application of this high current. Thus, damage to
the compressor terminals may occur long before a conven
tional interrupt circuit is triggered.
[0006] It has been determined that if the temperature
differential betWeen the pin and glass exceeds a given
Aug. 8, 2002
threshold for a particular terminal, the resulting tensile
stresses in the glass Will cause failure of the pin-to-glass seal
and result in terminal venting. In accordance With the
method of the present invention and the particular exem
plary circuit implementation shoWn, the current ?oWing
through the terminal is detected. If the detected current
exceeds a threshold level that, unless substantially immedi
ately terminated, Will cause the pin/glass temperature dif
ferential to rapidly exceed a threshold level resulting in glass
stresses that Will cause the pin-to-glass failure and terminal
venting, poWer through the terminal is immediately termi
nated. The threshold current level is much higher than
locked rotor current for the compressor motor, preferably at
least tWo times the locked rotor current. It has been found
that once the pin current exceeds a given threshold for a
particular terminal, that even if the current rise is no higher,
the pin and glass temperatures continue to rise and the
pin/glass temperature differential Where failure of the pin
to-glass seal occurs Will rapidly be reached. Therefore, the
threshold current selected for a particular terminal must be
loWer than that Which correlates to simultaneous pin and
glass temperatures at the failure level.
[0007] The present invention can be implemented by an
exemplary protection circuit connected in series betWeen the
poWer lines and terminal of the compressor Which detects
the presence of a motor fault or other over-current condition
and disconnects poWer to the terminal to prevent terminal
venting due to this condition. The circuit generally includes
a line-connected poWer supply for poWering the circuit, a
current sensor for sensing the current draWn by the com
pressor motor, and a control circuit for disconnecting poWer
to the motor When a fault is detected. The circuit may
include an audible or visual alarm to indicate the presence of
a fault. Additionally, since the present protection circuit is
connected in-line With the poWer connections to the com
pressor and external of the compressor housing, existing
compressors may readily be retro?tted to obtain the protec
tion against terminal venting provided by the present inven
[0008] The method and circuit of the present invention
protect the compressor terminals, as opposed to the motor
coils, by quickly disconnecting poWer to the compressor, but
only upon detection of exceptionally high current levels.
This high threshold permits simultaneous operation of con
ventional interrupt circuits and prevents “nuisance trigger
ing” as a result of the large current demands at motor start-up
or current noise spikes that may occur during operation.
While the current threshold of the present protection circuit
is quite high relative to the locked rotor current, damage to
the compressor terminals is nonetheless prevented because
the response time of the circuit is substantially faster than
conventional interrupt circuits. For example, current is ter
minated Within 20 milliseconds of detecting the preset
current threshold. Thus, the exceptionally high current is
removed from the compressor terminals before the tempera
ture of the terminal pin causes damage to the pin-to-glass
[0009] These and other features of the present invention
Will become more apparent and the invention Will be better
understood upon consideration of the folloWing description
of the accompanying draWings Wherein:
US 2002/0106945 A1
[0010] FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a portion of a
refrigeration system With an over-current protection circuit
according to the present invention.
[0011] FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional vieW of a compressor
shoWing the compressor input terminals.
[0012] FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram of an over-current
protection circuit according to an exemplary embodiment of
the present invention.
[0013] FIG. 4 is a graphical representation of the tem
peratures of the pin and glass When high current is applied
across the pin.
[0014] FIG. 5 is a graphical representation of the differ
ential temperature of the pin and glass of the hermetic
terminal for different currents.
[0015] FIG. 6 is a further graphical representation of the
differential temperature of the pin and glass of the hermetic
terminal When different currents are applied.
[0016] FIG. 7 is a graphical representation of the maxi
mum principal tensile stress in the hermetic terminal When
different currents are applied for seven seconds.
[0017] The embodiment of the invention described herein
is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to
the precise forms disclosed. Rather, the embodiment
selected for description has been chosen to enable one
skilled in the art to practice the invention.
[0018] Referring noW to FIG. 1, in a typical refrigeration
system 10, poWer is supplied from a poWer source 12, such
as a Wall outlet, to a compressor motor 14 Which drives a
compressor 16. The present invention may be applied to any
hermetic compressor used, for example, in air conditioning
and refrigeration applications such as the numerous models
of compressors commercially available from the assignee of
the present application, Tecumseh Products Company. For
example, compressor 16 could be of the type disclosed in
US. Pat. No. 5,199,898 Which is assigned to the assignee of
the present invention and is expressly incorporated herein by
reference. According to the present invention, a protection
circuit 100 is connected betWeen poWer source 12 and
terminal assembly 18 for the compressor 16 and motor 14 to
detect an excessive current draW and disconnect poWer in
response thereto. The poWer connections shoWn in FIG. 1
include a high line, a common line, and a ground line. As
Will be explained further beloW, While protection circuit 100
Will be described as disconnecting the common line to
compressor motor 14 upon detecting an over-current con
dition, protection circuit 100 could readily be adapted to
disconnect either the high signal or the common signal
provided to motor 14.
[0019] Referring noW to FIG. 2, the con?guration of the
compressor input terminals is shoWn. Compressor 16 gen
erally includes a hermetic housing 17 and a terminal assem
bly 18 in Which are mounted three terminals (only tWo
shoWn). Terminal 20 carries the poWer high line from poWer
source 12 to compressor motor 14 through Wire 22, connec
tor 24, and pin 26. Similarly, terminal 28 carries the common
line from poWer source 12 through Wire 30, connector 32,
and pin 34. Terminal pins 26 and 34 are mounted Within
Aug. 8, 2002
housing 18 and glass insulating material 36 according to
principles Well knoWn in the art. A terminal venting condi
tion is characteriZed by separation betWeen any of terminal
pins 26, 34, or the neutral terminal pin (not shoWn) from
glass insulating material 36, potentially resulting in an
uncontrolled release of refrigerant from compressor 16. The
excessive current draWn Which may lead to such a failure is
prevented from reaching compressor 16 by over-protection
current 100 as described beloW.
[0020] FIG. 3 shoWs a protection circuit 100 Which can be
used to implement the method and apparatus of the present
invention. Circuit 100 includes a regulator circuit 102 to
establish a ?xed DC voltage for comparing to a voltage
representing the current draWn by compressor motor 14, a
current sensing circuit 104 for deriving this representative
voltage, and a control circuit 106 for disconnecting poWer to
compressor 16 as Will be further described beloW. Regulator
circuit 102 includes a transformer T1, shoWn as a 36 volt
device, the primary side of Which is connected to 117 VAC
poWer from poWer source 12 (FIG. 1). The output signal
from the secondary side of transformer T1 is recti?ed by
diodes D1, D2 to produce a 24 VDC signal. This 24 VDC
signal is used to energiZe relay RYI as Will be further
described beloW. The 24 VDC signal is ?ltered by capacitor
C1 and passed through a 5 volt regulator U1 to produce a 5
VDC signal at the output of regulator circuit 102. This signal
is further ?ltered by capacitor C2, and passed through a
voltage divider netWork in control circuit 106 including
resistors R2, R3.
[0021] The output node 108 of voltage divider R2, R3 is
the reference voltage used to set a maximum threshold for
the acceptable current provided through terminal 18 to
compressor motor 14. As indicated above, this threshold
reference voltage is set such that the increased current draW
associated With motor start-up or other typical operating
conditions does not result in activation of circuit 100.
Moreover, the reference voltage is set such that triggering of
circuit 100 occurs only upon detection of motor 14 current
substantially higher than locked rotor current. The threshold
current level causing activation of the disconnect circuit is
that current Which, unless substantially immediately termi
nated, Will cause the pin/glass temperature differential to
rapidly exceed a threshold level resulting in glass stresses
that Will cause pin-to-glass failure and terminal venting. This
threshold current is much higher than locked rotor current
for the compressor motor, for example, at least tWo times the
locked rotor current. For a typical terminal, such as a No.
40387 terminal provided on a TP or TW series compressor
having a 200-300 Watt motor available from Tecumseh
Products Company, the threshold current at 115 volts is 52
[0022] As indicated earlier, it has been found that once the
pin current exceeds a given threshold for a particular ter
minal, even if the current rises no higher or is terminated, the
pin and glass temperatures continue to rise and the pin/glass
temperature differential Where failure of the pin-to-glass seal
occurs Will rapidly be reached. Accordingly, the threshold
current selected for a particular terminal must be loWer than
that Which correlates to simultaneous pin and glass tempera
tures at the failure level.
[0023] The 117 VAC high line is passed through current
sensor CS1 of current sensing circuit 104 to compressor
US 2002/0106945 A1
motor 14 (compressor terminal 20). Current sensor CS1 is a
conventional torroidal current sensor, and is connected to
resistor R4 and recti?er D3, D4. Since small voltage changes
are produced by current sensor CS1 in response to current
changes on the 117 VAC poWer line, Schottky diodes are
used for recti?er D3, D4 to minimiZe the forWard voltage
drop incurred by the output voltage of current sensor CS1.
As current through current sensor CS1 increases, the voltage
at the output of recti?er D3, D4 also increases. This signal
is passed through resistor R5 and ?ltered by resistor R6 and
capacitor C3. The ?ltered signal is connected to the positive
input of comparator U2A of control circuit 106. A diode D5
is connected betWeen the positive input of comparator U2A
and ground to protect comparator U2A in the event a large
voltage is generated by current sensor CS1. Speci?cally, if
the voltage at the positive input of comparator U2A exceeds
the 6.2 voltage breakdoWn voltage of diode D5, diode D5
Will reverse bias and conduct to ground, thereby protecting
the remainder of circuit 100.
[0024] The negative input to comparator U2A is connected
to the reference voltage at node 108 of voltage divider R2,
R3. The output of comparator U2A is connected to pull up
resistor R7 Which is connected to the 5 VDC output poWer
from regulator circuit 102. The output of comparator U2A is
also connected to Schottky diode D6 Which isolates com
parator U2A from an AND gate U3. Both inputs of AND
gate U3 are connected together and connected to the ?lter
including resistor R8 and capacitor C4. A hysteresis resistor
R9 is connected from the output of AND gate U3 to the
inputs. The output of AND gate U3 is also connected to the
negative input of comparator U2B, the positive input of
Which is connected to the reference voltage at node 108 of
voltage divider R2, R3. As Will be further explained beloW,
comparator U2B functions as an inverter.
[0025] The output of comparator U2B is pulled up by
resistor R10 and connected to the gate of transistor Q1. The
drain of transistor Q1 is connected to ground and the source
is connected to the loW side of the solenoid coil of relay
RY1. The high side of the solenoid coil is connected to the
24 VDC signal from recti?er D1, D2 of regulator circuit 102.
Relay RY1 is shoWn in its energiZed con?guration Wherein
the common line from poWer source 12 (FIG. 1) is passed
through the sWitch of RY1, terminal 28 of compressor 16, to
compressor motor 14.
[0026] In operation, When excess current is draWn by
motor 14 through the 117 VAC high line, current sensor CS1
produces an output voltage Which is recti?ed by diodes D3,
D4 and provided to the positive input of comparator U2A
after ?ltering by resistor R6 and capacitor C3. If the voltage
exceeds the reference voltage (from note 108 of voltage
divider R2, R3) at the negative input to comparator U2A,
comparator U2A outputs a positive logic signal. Accord
ingly, a positive logic signal is present at both inputs to AND
gate U3, causing a positive output. The combination of
Schottky diode D6 and hysteresis resistor R9 latch the
output of AND gate U3 in the logic high state. A logic high
state is therefore present at the negative input to comparator
U2B. Control circuit 106 is designed such that this signal
exceeds the reference voltage at the positive input to com
parator U2B. Accordingly, comparator U2B outputs a logic
loW signal disabling transistor Q1. The path to ground for the
Aug. 8, 2002
solenoid coil of relay RY1 is thereby removed, de-energiZ
ing relay RY1 such that relay RY1 sWitches to an open
[0027] When relay RY1 opens, poWer is disconnected to
compressor motor 14, and the current passing through
current sensor CS1 quickly goes to Zero. This rapid discon
nect prevents the excessive current at terminals 20, 28 (and
the third terminal, not shoWn) from heating terminals 20, 28
to a temperature resulting in terminal venting. As should be
apparent to one skilled in the art, a relationship exists
betWeen the reference voltage and the speed at Which circuit
100 disconnects poWer to compressor motor 14 (i.e., the
response time). Since circuit 100 is designed to prevent
damaging temperature levels at terminals 20, 28, the higher
the reference voltage is set, the faster the required response
time. As a corollary, a sloWer response time may be used
(requiring a longer duration high current condition) if a
loWer reference voltage is set. For the particular example
described above, the time betWeen detection of the threshold
current and the energiZing relay RY1 is 22 milliseconds.
[0028] When poWer is disconnected to compressor motor
14 and current sensor CS1 goes to Zero, the positive input to
comparator U2A falls beloW the negative input (the refer
ence voltage from voltage divider R2, R3), causing com
parator U2A to output a logic loW signal. As mentioned
above, hoWever, the output of AND gate U3 remains in a
logic high state since Schottky diode D6 isolates the output
of comparator U2A from the inputs to AND gate U3, and
hysteresis R9 feeds back the logic high output of AND gate
U3 to its inputs. Accordingly, once the reference voltage is
exceeded by the voltage representing the current sensed by
current sensor CS1, circuit 100 disables relay RY1 and
maintains relay RY1 in a disabled state, thereby disconnect
ing poWer from compressor motor 14, until poWer is
removed from circuit 100 and re-applied. Thus, When circuit
1000 disables compressor motor 14, compressor motor 14
remains disabled until it is properly serviced.
[0029] Referring noW to FIG. 4, there is provided a
graphical representation of the pin and glass temperatures as
a function of time When different currents are applied to
terminal pin 26 or 34. As can be seen, the higher the pin
current the more rapid the rise in pin temperature and
concomitantly the temperature differential betWeen the pin
and glass. FIG. 5 illustrates this rise in pin/ glass temperature
differential, and particularly for high current levels, such as
120 amps, the temperature differential curve rises very
sharply after only one second folloWing initiation of the high
current condition. FIG. 6 is a similar representation but
includes additional current levels in a mathematical simu
[0030] FIG. 7 shoWs graphically the rapid rise in maxi
mum principal stresses in the glass as the temperature
differential betWeen the glass and pin increases. As is quite
evident, the curve is substantially exponential thereby indi
cating that unless current is terminated at a very early time
When the threshold current is detected, rapid heating and
failure of the pin-to-glass seal Will occur.
[0031] UtiliZing the data from FIG. 5, the folloWing
mathematical model equation describing the process to
prevent terminal venting Was obtained:
US 2002/0106945 A1
[0032] In this equation, T is the differential temperature
betWeen the pin and the glass in degrees Celsius, i is current
through the pin in amperes and t is the amount of time in
seconds current has been applied. Once the maximum tem
perature differential betWeen the pin and glass is determined
for a particular terminal, the equation can be solved for
current in order to set the threshold level in circuit 100.
[0033] The experimental data to generate and validate the
curves discussed above Was obtained by applying different
levels of current through the terminal and measuring the
temperature of the glass and pin. The constants a1, a2, a3, b1,
b2, b3 are derived from the curves and are used for the
particular terminal construction tested. For the aforemen
tioned terminal, the constants are as folloWs:
[0034] a1=1.079><10_4
[0035] a2=2.420><10_3
[0036] a3=1.4447><10_2
[0037] b1=1.8875
[003s] b2=1.8000
[0039] b3=1.7335


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